IWMPRAISE e-learning modules
By Philippe Delval, ACTA, Douglas Hobbs, NIAB & Jens Erik Jensen SEGES Innovation.
As part of the project, we have developed a training material consisting of eight e-leaning modules, where people interested in Integrated Weed Management (IWM) may study tools etc. at their own pace. The material has emphasis on the materials that resulted from the IWMPRAISE project but also contains links to other relevant resources.
The e-learning modules have been developed mainly by French partner ACTA in cooperation with NIAB from the United Kingdom. Philippe Delval from ACTA have been the main author of the underlying presentations which have been adopted for the e-learning platform by Douglas Hobbs, NIAB. John Cussans from NIAB has provided two supplemental videos, see below.
The modules are hosted by IWMPRAISE partner NIAB on their digital training platform accessible at the URL address: https://training.niab.com/course/index.php?categoryid=14 . Below, an introduction is given with direct links to the different modules.
Clicking the link above lead you to the front page:
The front page suggests that different languages may be available, but only the “English” item is active.
Clicking “English” will bring you to the first module of the e-learning material as shown below:
The modules are presented in the form of small videos which are available through the platform or directly from YouTube.
In each module under the video, you may find supplemental materials in the form of notes, comments and links to relevant material.
Description and direct links to the different modules
The e-learning modules available are as follows:
- Introduction to the course: Using an integrated approach to weed management
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Diverse cropping systems
- Field and soil management
- Cultivar choice and establishment
- Non-chemical control methods
- Chemical methods
- Holistic approach
A few words about the different modules:
Module 0: Introduction
Integrated Weed Management (IWM) is an approach to managing weeds that integrates multiple control tactics. By including a diverse range of control methods in the design of a management system, it allows growers to control the most troublesome weeds.
Module 1: Monitoring and evaluation
Knowing about the weeds you have in field is an important first step in being able to manage them. This can begin with simple scouting by the grower or an agronomist and recording the species and density, mapping of patches, or using camera technology to individually detect and map weed seedlings. This information can be used to inform a range of Decision Support Tools, which can influence decision making. This module will introduce the concepts of surveillance and decision making for weed control, and discuss the most recent developments in this area.
Module 2: Diverse cropping systems
At the heart of any IWM strategy should be a diversified rotation – making use of autumn and spring cropping, and different crop types, to reduce the over-arching weed burden. This module will describe the role in which diversity in crop establishment has for weed management, and how this can be practically applied to deliver meaningful weed control.
Please notice that under the module video and notes, you may find two extra video modules developed by John Cussans, NIAB. These videos are entitled: Rotations: Spring cropping – how it works and Rotations: Spring cropping – in detail.
Module 3: Field and soil management
Choices made around cultivations and establishment methods strongly influence the long and short-term weed abundance on far. This module will give you the tools to judge the merits of cultivation choices in isolation and as part of wider strategy to use cultivation as an effective tool for managing weed populations. This will include discussions on depth of cultivation and timing of the cultivation, and the interaction of both with different weed species.
Module 4: Cultivar choice and establishment
Decisions around the establishment of the crop, including cultivar, sowing depth and sowing pattern are important when maximising weed control of an entire system. This module will describe how small, but important, steps can be made during this phase of the growing season.
Module 5: Non-chemical control methods
Non-chemical methods of weed management includes a diverse range of tools that includes mechanical weeders, electric weeders, seed mills and chaff carts. This module will introduce all of these techniques, with greater detail supplied those that are currently viable for growers. The interaction between these tools and the weeds to be controlled strongly determines eventual success so you will be given an introduction to how this manifests itself on farm.
Module 6: Chemical methods
Whilst chemical control continues to be a mainstay for the majority of growers, having a better understanding of the principles behind the use of herbicides can ensure that appropriate steps to steward them are being made. Optimising the efficacy of these important compounds is vital to delivering a sustainable weed control programme.
Module 7: Holistic approach
Direct control encompasses a wide array of tools including mechanical control, biocontrol, herbicides and Harvest Weed Seed Capture (HWSC) approaches. In this module you will be introduced to all of these, and learn how they can be compatible to deliver effective weed control.
Any feedback regarding the e-learning material should be sent to one of the following contact persons: Philippe Delval, ACTA (content of main modules), Douglas Hobbs, NIAB (adaption to the training platform), or Jens Erik Jensen, SEGES Innovation (leader of the dissemination work package of IWMPRAISE).